Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Through a glass, darkly

Window, Sharon Mennonite Church
Last month, an elderly relative, full of years, passed on to his eternal reward. He was buried on a day of blue skies, beneath the same sun that had so faithfully given an increase, a return, on the many miles he had spent tilling, plowing, planting, harvesting--- to the seeds he had let fall to the ground.

* * * * * * *

May their memory be eternal.
This month, a nearby community lost two police officers, who were doing their job, showing up to protect the weak.

The gospel reading for the following day was Matthew 25:31-46. “Inasmuch as you did it to one of the last of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” (Traditional observation of the second Sunday before Great Lent, the Sunday of the Last Judgment.)

Further reading: What does the chant ‘Memory Eternal” mean....?


  1. Beautiful tribute to your relative and to the protectors we lost this past month.

  2. Julana, I love this "Memory Eternal" link! I did a little more looking around and found this, which answered my question about the Latin equivalent:,47677.msg826456.html?PHPSESSID=20c96ee45c4d56d3c355e4188a472d7b#msg826456
    I love your observations and your painting and your readings. You write with such clarity and sparseness that it leaves me wondering what other roads your mind wanders down, to the benefit of us all. XXOO

  3. Thank you, Mary Beth. The older I get, the less I know.
    Thank you for the interesting link. There is a lot of interesting detail there. You may find the Western Rite Orthodox intriguing, as I do. They have a website up now:

    I have Fr Apostolos Hill’s CD of the Orthodox funeral service. It is very touching, the mingling of sorrow and hope.
