Thursday, August 31, 2017

These are textures and materials viewed from the Kroger parking lot: awning, brick, bicycle rack, bushes, shingles, stone (with downspout), faux gable window.
When I was young, we shopped at a Kroger built on the edge of a parking lot decked with sculptures of the Seven Wonders of the World. Those were the days.

Further reading about Ivan Pusecker, Walk of Wonders artist:
Pusecker family featured at Church at Mill Run

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Panini Opa

Another quick sketch of the egg basket lights at Panini Opa. The longer you look at them, the more you notice the differences.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Flowers on front porch

This summer we have amaryllis, purple cosmos, pink verbena, pink geraniums, and yellow kalanchoe in pots out on the porch. A few inches of lantana leaves survive; a small animal nibbled away the petunias. It doesn't look like the gladioli, free nursery leftovers planted late, will bloom. Pink roses and golden stella d'oro are blooming in the front flower bed.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Bibibop is one of our new favorites. The interior is light and bright, and the food nutritious. They have a short assembly line, where staff add ingredients to your bowl as directed, similar to Piada and Chipotle. We are happy a new one will be opening fairly close to our house, in a couple months. Free miso soup.

Here, I just quickly played with angles, sketching from the car. I also tried to pay attention to tones. Within four letters, I managed to commit what Roz Stendahl calls a "write-o". So it goes.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My somewhat-new shoes
The heel of one of the soles came loose, on my old walking shoes, so I bought another pair.

Sometimes, as here, I enjoy using the blue Koh-I-Noor Magic Pencil over gray.